Our Technology

Headache Sciences has developed a new migraine analysis method by using EEG (electroencephalography) signals to characterize migraine patients with aura (MwA).

EEG signals are used because they contain critical spatial and temporal information about the neural bioelectricity. We have developed a technique of characterizing and extracting significant, robust and informative features from EEG signals which are representative of the interictal migraine brain state. Our pilot study results show 92.9% classification accuracy of MwA in the interictal stage from the normal control (NC) group. Our findings suggest electrical predisposition of migraine which can lead to possible preventative interventions in the future. It is published in CEPHALALGIA. Vol. 37.  and our new preliminary 3 class (NC/MwA/MwoA) solution here CEPHALALGIA. Vol. 39.

Being the first to apply for a patent in our area, and having outstanding patent lawyers, we asked for and received broad patent protection. This is an awarded US patent, titled “Diagnosis of Migraine Via Expert System”, the only one of its kind known to us.

Real Story

In this video a women name Jessica explains the misery of her severe migraine and how her life came apart as a result. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78QlVwRZDBg.
It is 6.5 minutes, readers are encouraged to watch at least the first few minutes if they have time.

Our Recent Milestone

  • Proof of concept in the form of a publication that was peer reviewed by machine learning experts. It is titled A Non-Linear Support Vector Machine Approach to Testing for Migraine with Aura Using Electroencephalography

  • Awarded US patent: This is the first of its kind and so it is sweeping.

  • FDA writes to HSI on July 13, 2022 providing a detailed roadmap on how we could apply for breakthrough status for chronic migraine, once we do additional research. Chronic migraine, which is defined as migraine for 15+ days/month, is well known to be very debilitating.

  • IRB Ethics review board approved in June 2022 for new study to validate existing biomarkers and discover additional biomarkers. (300 pages). As of August 30, 2023, the study has enrolled approximately 60 participants, and about half of them have completed their EEG recordings.

  • November 2023, our company president meets with the leaders of the American Headache Society and immediately after receives a letter of support from one of the leading headache authorities in the world, Dr. Christine Lay

  • Solid research plan that is already being implemented in functioning and staff research lab in Toronto, Canada.

  • Leading EEG expert, Professor George Townsend, has donated much of his sabbatical to the company between 2022-2023.

  • Letter of support from leading luminary, Sheldon Levy, former President of Ryerson University, after he visited our laboratory.

  • A leading Bay Street “super angel” who specializes in health industry invested $75k USD in 2022 and repeated this in June 2023. He wishes to remain anonymous.

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